AtoZ Medical IME Transcription Services

AtoZ Medical IME Transcription

Setting a new standard of excellence in Medical & IME/Peer Review
Transcription Services

Transcription Accuracy – Quality Management & Control

Transcribing patient information accurately is the core of our business model. Bringing best practices in total quality management from a number of different industries, AtoZ Transcription Services is setting new standards of excellence in medical transcription. For many of our current customers, accuracy levels approach 99%.

How do we obtain such high-quality standards?

At AtoZ Transcription Services, principles of total quality management are ingrained in all aspects of transcribing patient information. For example, AtoZ implements a 3-tier quality control process. After each medical transcriber (MT) completes his/her work, an editor checks each document for errors. Once the editor has approved the file, then a proofer, a person with a medical background, evaluates the file. Once the proofer approves the file, it is sent to the physician. After the transcriptions are sent to the physician, our team no longer has access to these files.

AtoZ's 3-TIER Quality Control Process

Other quality principles that lead to outstanding accuracy

  • 100% of all medical transcriptions go through quality control!

  • Once a new customer is accepted, a dedicated team of MTs, editors, and proofers will transcribe for the same physician each and every day. Employing this method, MTs get familiarity and expertise with individual physician styles and procedures.

  • Constant feedback (dotted lines above) between MTs, editors, proofers, and physicians allows our dedicated team to learn from errors, never making the same mistake twice!

  • Each patient file is checked by AI software to ensure accuracy and to identify errors.

All our medical transcriptions go through a 3-tier quality control process.

Why AtoZ?

medical transcription (5)
IME & Peer Review
medical transcription (4)
The C.A.R.E.S Advantage
medical transcription (8)
Compliant - HIPAA
medical transcription (2)
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