AtoZ Medical IME Transcription Services

AtoZ Medical IME Transcription

Setting a new standard of excellence in Medical & IME/Peer Review
Transcription Services

AtoZ's C.A.R.E.S. Advantage

The C.A.R.E.S advantage separates AtoZ Transcription Services from the competition. No other company offers our performance and value.


Compliant with all laws and regulations related to HIPAA.

Accuracy and quality levels that exceed 99%, achieved by implementing a 3-tier quality control process.

Responsive Turn-Around-Time that leads the industry. If requested, we also provide STAT.

Easy access to patient files. Review, edit, accept, and archive patient records from anywhere at anytime, 24/7.

Savings that are significant – achieved by leveraging quality, technology, and efficiency. Significant savings in annual costs are guaranteed.

Working with AtoZ Transcription Services saves you time, effort, and money, while making it easy and convenient to access, edit, approve, and archive patient records. Give us a try and we will prove to you that our customer-focused solutions will deliver outstanding value and significant cost savings.

Why AtoZ?

medical transcription (5)
IME & Peer Review
medical transcription (4)
The C.A.R.E.S Advantage
medical transcription (8)
Compliant - HIPAA
medical transcription (2)
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